Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics



Dental prosthetics

Dental prosthetics


Ceramic veneers

Okluzalni splintovi i štitnici za zube

Occlusal splints and shields

Pediatric and preventive dentistry

Pediatric and preventive dentistry




Metal ceramic crowns and bridges

Metal-free crowns and bridges

Metal-free crowns and bridges

Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening


Treatment of root canal

Composite veneers

Composite veneers

Composite (white) fillings

Composite (white) fillings

Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry


M.D. Aleksandar Ćirić

M.D. Aleksandar Ćirić

spec. oral surgeon

M.D. Aleksandar Ćirić was born in 1970 in Pirot. He graduated from the dental department of the Faculty of Medicine in Niš in 2000. During his studies, he was a President of the Students’ research Centre of the dental department and vice president of the Faculty of Medicine from 1993 to 1998. After completing the internship in 2001, he started working at the dental services of the Health Centre Pirot. In 2004 he enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Medical Faculty, Department of Dentistry in Niš, in the field of oral surgery. He completed specialization in oral surgery in 2008 at the Clinic for Stomatology in Niš. Since 2004 he is a member of the Presidency and one of the founders of the ``Serbian Oral Laser aplication society``.
Invited lecturer: -Promodentis in 2006, in Novi Sad
-Medical Faculty Niš, in 2006 and 2007 on the application of hard lasers in dentistry.

M.D.Vesna Ćirić

M.D.Vesna Ćirić

spec. pediatric preventive dentistry

M.D.Vesna Ćirić was born in Ćuprija, in October of 1970. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade in 1998. She completed an internship and specialist studies in pediatric preventive dentistry at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade in 2002. From 2003 she had been working simultaneously in private practice ``Marmil dent`` on Vračar in Belgrade and the Health Centre ``Dr Milutin Ivković`` in Palilula, Belgrade. She is a member of Dental Clinic “Saint Sava” from 2011.

M.D. Svetozar Ćirić

M.D. Svetozar Ćirić

spec. prosthodontics

M.D. Svetozar ĆiriĆ was born in December of 1941 in Pirot. He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade in 1968. In the same year he got a job at the Medical Centre Pirot. He specialized in Prosthodontics at the University of Nis and the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. He completed his specialization in 1979. After completing his specialization he became a Chief of dental services and in 1990 a Director of Health Medical Centre in Pirot. After a while he was appointed as an expert manager of the Dental Service in the Health Centre in Pirot. He is mentor for Prosthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry and a member of the Serbian implantological section. He is the holder of the award ``Distinguished Doctor`` of medicine and dentistry for the year 2000 awarded by the Serbian Medical Society, a subsidiary of Pirot. After his retirement he starts the Dental Clinic ``Saint Sava`` with the idea that his abundant experience and expert knowledge must be used in private practice.
He is a President of Pirot subsidiary of Society for preserving tradition of Serbia liberation wars until 1918.
He was also a President of the Cultural Artistic Association Pirot from 1990 to 1995.


Our ordination is in Zip center.